Monday, April 21, 2014

Blogging 4/21

Last week was so sad. Because one of Korean biggest ship was sinking.
So now 65 people died and about 230 people are still not found yet.
There were more than 400 people on that ship, and most of them are high school students. They were going school trip to Jeju island, but most of them died.
It's so sad. They are just two or three years older than me. 
The internet says Sewol ship is the biggest cruises. Nobody knows reasons for sinking. I think it's just driving mistake.
But I don't care about reason.
I only care about many people died.
And also I hope this kind of accident must not happen anymore.
So last week all the broadcasting was only for this news and many famouse people 
give money for them, and every SNS and Internet sites was about that news...
so scary. How can that big ferry just sink in the ocean. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Summary of the news

Us send two more warship to Japan by 2017

Mr Hagel visited Japan and said about territorial dispute between China and its other 

neighbors. In February he already announced about missile that can tracking missile 

from North Korea, and defense capabilities in Asia which is planned in Japan. 

Hagel said "You cannot... redefine boundaries and violate territorial integrity and 

sovereignty of nations by force"

He also said every country cannot violate territorial integrity and sovereignty of nations 

by force.

Relations between Japan and China are fighting with some islands in South China sea.


territorial dispute: It's a fighting between country, to get a island or land

territorial integrity: Land

sovereignty: power of the country

force: power

capabilities: in this news, it means what does that missile do. that is tracking missile form                   North Korea.