Lee Dae-Ho who is my favorite player. He's playing in Japanese team, Soft Bank.
He made seven hits in 3 games. He did multi hit for first two games and triple hit for third game.
So Soft Bank won Chiba Lotte, the score was 3:2. Now his batting is 0.583, seven hits at 12 bat.
Of course the fan of Soft Bank and his team did hot reaction. He is hitter 4 in Soft Bank, and it is his
third year in Japan. He is Korean and almost 2 meters and 130kg, so he is called big guy.
Batting: hit a ball thrown by the pitcher with a baseball bathit: In baseball, if hitter hit the ball for ground and safe for base is called hit
multi hit: make two hits in one game.
Armed: So powerful
Ball count: count of the ball in baseball. ex, 2 strike 1 ball.